Throughout this class, I have learned how to write for different rhetorical situations (audience, purpose, genre).

The social identity that I am most conscious of on a daily basis is my gender. Being on a campus that is 60% women and 40% men gives you the idea that women would dominate the culture, but when I walk into my biology classroom in Sid-Rich, I am baffled by the ratio I observe. Then I remember that women used to not have the ability to study medicine and be in the position that I was not too long ago. Because of this, I am grateful to be where I am today but also conscious of the privilege I have.
While at times I do feel privileged in my position as a woman, I also recognize that this campus is “run” by mostly white males. There is a lack of women in power and in leadership around campus which also can make me, as a woman, feel marginalized.